Heavy Metal Contamination of Pharmaceutical Products commonly sold in Nigeria

  • Sunday Onyemali Onyeloni Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Delta State University, Abraka
Keywords: Pharmaceutical, Heavy metals, Contamination, Product


The study evaluates the contamination by heavy metals of pharmaceuticals commonly used in Nigeria. Pharmaceutical samples in sixteen pharmacological groups in different dosage forms were purchased from registered pharmacies and patent medicine shops from Abraka and Obiaruku in Delta State, Nigeria. The samples were digested using a bi acid mixture of HNO3 and HCIO4 in the ratio of 6:1 and analyzed using the Atomic Absorption spectrometer (AAS) for the presence of lead, chromium, cadmium, zinc, nickel, manganese, iron, copper and cobalt. The result reveals significant contamination by all the metals investigated with the exception of copper and cobalt. The contamination may be attributed to wear and tear of manufacturing machinery, contamination from water, packaging and raw materials. It is recommended that machinery used for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals should be well maintained and replaced were necessary and strict adherence to good manufacturing practice (GMP) as required by regulatory agencies.

How to Cite
Onyeloni, S. O. (2022). Heavy Metal Contamination of Pharmaceutical Products commonly sold in Nigeria. Madonna University Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ISSN: 2814-3035, 2(2), 10-21. Retrieved from https://www.journal.madonnauniversity.edu.ng/index.php/medicine/article/view/60